
β€œTo be flourishing communities of hope, transformed by God's love, following Jesus and serving in God's world.”


β€œBeing and making disciples of Jesus who love God, love people and serve in God's mission to our communities and beyond.”

Our VISION across the Carey churches is: β€œTo be flourishing communities of hope, transformed by God's love, following Jesus and serving in God's world.”

We want to be and grow healthy, vibrant, safe communities, where people experience hope. We believe this happens as God’s love transforms us as individuals and communities. We also want to be people who follow Jesus, constantly learning from him and seeking to do what he asks us to do. And that includes serving others humbly and effectively.

The way we go about doing this is our MISSION. We are β€œBeing and making disciples of Jesus who love God, love people and serve in God’s mission to our communities and beyond.”

Being and making disciples is a life long process! We see it as an integral part of what Jesus did and asked people to do in his earthly ministry. We believe it is an intentional journey that can look different for different people, but has at its heart a focus on striving to be the best apprentices of Jesus we can be.

And by his example, we seek to love God, appreciating relationship with him and joyfully worshipping him. We seek to love people, our community, family and friends, our neighbours and our enemies. And we believe serving is an integral part of being a Jesus follower; serving in the work that God calls us to individually and collectively at Carey, in our homes, neighbourhoods, work places and in the world beyond!

How do our vision and mission translate in practice? This website contains lots of great information, including our current 2026 Carey Vision Document.
But we would love for you to come and meet us in person and join us as we strive to become flourishing communities of hope.