Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all... Galatians 6:10

The following folders are accessible by Carey Church Harrisdale volunteers. Access is available by attending our Framework for Flourishing seminar. Please submit the form below if you haven’t yet attended one of Carey’s Framework for Flourishing sessions as you will be asked to request access. Thank you.

Please click image link or request access below

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Please click image link or request access below

Policies Drive

Policies, Procedures and Forms Access

Please submit the following form to request access to the Policy and Procedure documents.

Signup for Framework For Flourishing

Please submit the following form to be notified of the next available Framework for Flourishing Seminar.

Do I need to read everything?

No, there is information that is general for all ministries and then some specific documents related to the ministry area you are involved in. Click on the image to view the table to determine what will be useful for you.

Safe Church Volunteer Requirements